Media Pitching 101

Media Pitching 101

Pitching to the media is a crucial part of public relations. Every story must be specifically angled to immediately grab the reporter’s attention.

Here are 3 quick and helpful tips on how to better pitch and land your story!

  1. Get. To. The. Point!
    Journalists and reporters receive hundreds of PR and advertising pitches all day. With so many frequent requests, it’s easy for your pitch to get dumped if it’s too long. When you get straight to the point and cut the fluff, it makes their jobs so much easier. List the “Five W’s” and you’ll be good to go: Who, What, When, Where and Why!
  2. Follow Up With A Call
    You can assume that if you didn’t get a response to your email pitch, it probably wasn’t seen. Follow up with a call to the reporters to trigger their memories about your pitch. Regardless of their decision to cover your story, they’ll remember the personable voice interaction.
  3. Know Your Beat
    Double-check your media lists and know your beat. If you’re pitching a story concerning sports, don’t email the education reporter just because they work at the specific outlet in which you want coverage. Over time, you can build great relationships with the journalists and reporters whom you frequently contact. This can also give you a better chance at scoring coverage as well.

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